Sunday, October 7, 2012

WhY i ThInK MoAr Of uS NeEd To ReLaX

As you get older you may (or may not ._. ) find that life is complicated. Between all the politics, world affairs, philosophical and theological questions, and all the concerns and stresses of life, it can begin to feel overwhelming. Take for example this upcoming presidential election >_> Nuff said. Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed by ALL THE THINGS, and you just wish you could halp all the things, or do all the things, or be all the things! But life is too short for them all, sadly. Life can be so serious that it's suffocating (hopefully not literally >_>, please see the post script) and that's why I think more of us need to defy it and relax. Life is too short to have a stick up your bum, so don't.

(Does that look pleasant to you?? Nuh uh.)

Honestly I'm of the opinion that when we let go and be a little more spontaneous and strange, life is more fun and interesting. We may even finally achieve world peace. I kid, but still... even a serious person, who takes what they do seriously, can still enjoy it (which I have to say I admire) and can be a little spontaneous and full awesome. Take for example a science major who somehow still has friends, a life, and decides to perform in a variety show (which in this case is referring to more than one person I know); you have to admit that's pretty fantastic. Luckily, someone actually managed to get one instance of this on camera! :D

(the Houghton siren really does need to die a horrible chain-saw related death)

Speaking of a variety show, last night our school hosted one and some old folks from the class of '77 sang a few cynical songs about our college and one guy used his hands to fart the song "Jesus Loves Me This I know."

(I found this on the intertubes with my magic powers!)

This is what I mean: they're Christian, they're serious about their faith, and yet they can still relax and have fun. All they wanted was to show they are interesting and relatable. It's very relieving to meet people who know how to relax, have fun, and be themselves amongst all the seriousness in life.

("I MADE THIS FOR YOU!" - Julian Smith)

When you choose to relax, you let go of fears, you let go of expectations, you let go of self-consciousness, and stress, and commitments, and hatred, and instead you choose joy, patience, peace, freedom, tolerance, acceptance, and love. Of course, take my advice with a grain of salt. I don't want to know what relaxing looks like if it's taken too far, but I hope you know what I mean.

For your daily dose of tautologies: Relaxing song is relaxing (Also, epic Chris Field is epic).

P.S. Speaking of fun and strange things, this is a video I made like 5 years ago that I still can't believe I made. For a little background, I had a youtube channel (still do) that was subscribed to College Humor which did a parody of the "Sham wow" guy, Vince, trying to sell things in jail. It lead me to watch all the remixes of the slap chop infomercial and I was laughing so hard, the next thing you know, I was somehow inspired to throw together all my favorite parts into one video. Not to mention a little bit of the college humor parody mixed with a little of the emo song. You could say thinking of life made me think of the ending to the emo song and then I went on a little adventure trying to find this video on my external hard-drive! It's so ridiculous I didn't have the bravery to post it to youtube, but I would appreciate it if you just sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed it regardless of your reservations.... now then:

(this will be our little secret >_>)