Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First BLARG for the INTERBLAG!

I'm not sure where to begin. Everybody likes to think they're special, but I'm going to go ahead and say that I think I'm pretty special (define special you say? hahaha). Theres' gotta be room somewhere for an ego, right? Just between you, me, and the cat's whiskers, I'm pretty sure I'm crazy. Let's start with a few random facts to demonstrate my insanity:
  1. I've got bad hearing and a bad memory; conversations with me are an adventure. To top it off, I'm pretty sure I have what I like to call "hearing dyslexia". This is where you say one thing, and it garbles into something completely different and hilariously wrong. For instance, my roommate says: "This nectarine is getting softer~!" and I hear, "The snack train is getting softer?" That's only a mild example.
  2. I struggle with personal identity: I know that probably goes for a lot of people these days, but I mean I struggle with my identity, especially when I find that I'm talking to myself, or notice that my personality changes depending on who I'm with, or when my laugh changes nature for the 100th time...
  3. I am so loud and have no self-control once you get me to laugh. Everyone I've ever met will tell me to take it down a notch. I'm sorry but I literally can't help it. And yes, my laugh changes whether or not someone else on earth has ever laughed like me.
  4. I'm a floater and I get all the jokes but couldn't tell one to save my life. At the very least, I'm not a half bad storyteller, especially since I have crazy dreams and a strange imagination.
  5. I DO WHAT I WANT, YOLO (just kidding) ...but seriously ._.
  6. Sometimes I have the urge to be a rebel, like blurting out irrelevant things or dressing up in costume every single day (I wish).
  7. Some days I wish I could play the drums like a bad a--, or throw knives, or fly around on a hovering monocycle (I must be craving Shadowrun right about now).
    (Men in Black 3 anyone?)
  8. Some days I like to feel pretty and dainty. Some days I'll be shouting crude words from my dorm room, cackling at morbid Happy Wheels videos, and have urges to play Jak 2 and 3.
  9. I don't know what to even think of myself. My self concept seems to be multi-faceted, returning us back to point #2.
  10. My life has no particular routine, other than perhaps checking facebook or my email way too often (I need to get a life). On-the-other-hand I tend to have obsessive behaviors, such as editing this blog at least 20 times or watching every episode of Avatar the Last Airbender in existence within a matter of days. In fact, I'm surprised I'm not more addicted to minecraft, but I'm sure once my brother gives me Skyrim for Christmas, I probably won't have a life for a least a few weeks...
Dear G-d is this blog linked to my school email? The idea here is to make this an anonymous blog. Freedom of expression and no cares to give. To go beyond the limited reaches of this small college campus to the world outside. Don't call me desperate, but it might be true (shrug). Since I have somewhat exhausted the interest of the people directly around me, the interblag seemed like the next best place (xkcd! I will probably fail to be very original or interesting, but I hope you find me original and interesting all the same. 

And so I'll set my Tales and Adventures to the Wind. Huzzah! (Annnnnnd Song!)

P.S. Griffin the galactic unicorn man is my hero:
(another reason you should see Men in Black 3)

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