Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Adventures of Journaling for the Webnetz!

Hello again folks! Although I haven't been getting many visits just yet, my goal here is to blog as much as possible regardless if anyone is reading >_> it'll be an adventure~! :D So already I have decided to paint myself as, at the very least, a half-insane individual, but what else can I share with you that you might want to know?

Well first off, I am in no way unique. I mean, I am a white American going to college after all, with all sorts of hopes and dreams but no real focus or ambition (don't worry, I'm working on it, my ethnicity that is, jk jk). Still, I do hope that one day I'll be a superstar snowboarding, Spanish speaking, drum and guitar playing, Easter Screech Owl owning, biologist machine (as well as, perhaps, a well known blogger, but that's just a bonus >_>) ... I kid. Although to a degree, if that's what I could become right now, I think I would do it. The sad truth is, probably only a fraction of my plans will every come to fruition (with that attitude you say? hahaha). However, even if I don't become a superstar snowboarder, I'm sure it will always be a part of my life now that I finally have my own gear (heck yeah!!). The same probably goes for Spanish and biology, although I'm pretty sure owning my own Screech Owl would be illegal >:] It would be a red morph, naturally:

(I mean come on, look at how adorable it is! :3)

Well, that aside, I'm glad to finally have this blog going since I've been contemplating making one for a least a few years now. For one thing, bookface just doesn't cut it. No one wants to hear you ramble about your life in a status; that's what blogs are for. The same goes for Twitter, but I haven't bothered with that! The other benefit is that I can remain fairly anonymous (aside from the few individuals I know that I've chosen to let in on my little blogging secret hehehe), so I can pretty much DO WHAT I WANT! HAHAHA to a degree lol

                                             (The story of my life)                                                   (Whatever: a Minnesotan staple)

My plan isn't to bash people, but to tell an interesting story to an impartial audience, even if it is to the wind (figuratively). It's also in general less limiting, so that my stories can be open to the world and not just my little circle. I'd almost like to think of it as an open diary with an unknown author; which is just a win-win situation in my opinion. Kind of like picking up a long forgotten book by a long forgotten person that is actually quite brilliant (almost like books by Raymond Feist! Seriously, go read his books)...but will this be a brilliant blog or a hunormous flog (a ginormous-humongous flopping blog)? What if I make it a cross between and Hyperbole and a Half?!? Didn't see that one coming did yah? Mwahahaha!

You're also probably wondering what fengdegushi means in my blogspot address and why???? Haha well first of all, 'Tales', 'Tale and Adventures', and 'Tales and Adventures to the Wind' or any combination of those words with underscores and numbers furthermore, were not available. So naturally I asked my roommate to translate it into Mandarin, naturally. Of course, feng de gu shi isn't in Chinese but rather is the pronunciation, if that wasn't already obvious (zenme zheme ben a!). Depending on the way you say feng it can either mean "Story of the Wind" or it can actually mean "Crazy Story"! Which is ironically just as true and the first meaning. It was so fantastic, that I simply couldn't resist making it my blogspot address...except for one problem: fengdegushi, with or without underscores, was already taken. Thus it became fengdegushi1. Any more numbers than that and I'm not so sure what my address would have been. Adding a 1 wasn't so bad though, and so there you have it!

May the Tales and Adventures commence! (Annnnnnd Song!)

P.S. This blog made me 25 minutes late to my Field Botany Lab (5 hours of grueling, tedious plant collecting and pressing) and I made it just in time before we left! All I do is win win win, no matter what what what (jk jk haha), but seriously ._. I win the internet!

(and yes I own this song, like a boss...)

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